Monday, November 12, 2007


Through the years I have been participating in outreach work for different communities, I have seen many unique and creative ways to bring awareness to the subject at hand. I have always been in awe of how dedicated some people are to the cause and how they can use their unique talents to create an overall understanding.

In Hyderabad, I have recently seen one of the best examples of using that talent for a higher cause. The field work team that I work with, along with another man (of whose talent I will be speaking about) put together a program to bring awareness about HIV/AIDS and Leprosy to young kids in the slums. This man did this by writing and singing Qawwalis that gave general information about Leprosy and AIDS.

Qawwalis started out as being devotional music created by the Sufis. It is very vibrant music that is now enjoying its main stream popularity. This man, along with his “band” sat down in the middle of the slums and just started playing, using his singing voice, a harmonium and two Tablas (Indian Drums). Instantly dozens of children (and some parents) raced out of their homes to join the excitement, and were instantly captivated by the music and his words.

Though the words are very general, it really brings a subtle awareness to these children about issues they would have not even heard of before. Now they at least might be empowered to ask questions in the future.

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